Sunday, December 21, 2008


Chandler turned 4 on Sunday. He was/is so excited about it. Since Sunday he can run faster, jump higher, clean up, etc. He always says, “Yes, I can do it. I am four years old.” One day he was licking under his lips (something that both of my boys do until their chins are sore) and said, “What the heck am I doing? Four year olds don’t lick their lips. It must be leftover from three.” I had to laugh. Hopefully more of his bad behavior is just “leftover from three” and he will start to be a little angel:)


The 4 Hoggans said...

That is too cute. I can just hear him with his little man voice. There must be something about 4. When Jenna was three she would always say she would do it when she was 4.

Kellie said...

Ben is the same way. He can suddenly do everything now that he is three. Four is a magical age.

Kellie said...

I'm dumb. I meant now that Ben is four. I've lost a lot of brain cells I think.

Linsay and Jake said...

Wow, what a funny kid! He is so cute!

Whit said...

HAHA, I LOL'ed...literally! What a cutie! Can't believe he's that old already!

Kylee said...

Apparently it is a three year old thing because Jacob has started doing it. I hope he outgrows it in another year.