Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Brandon Jr.

Spencer is a miniature Brandon. He loves talking about film, watching his Dad make films. After he watches a movie he always wants to see the 'making of' special feature. He told me the other day of a plan for a movie he had. He was going to use his action figures as food. He would decide what type of food by what they looked like (ex. the red transformer would be ketchup). His words were "You would only see the food. The food would start disappearing and then the camera pull back and you would see the people eating. That's when you would know why it was disappearing." Another example of his love for films...The other day Brandon was going to see Hellboy. Spencer wanted to go, but obviously he couldn't. He started pouting. Brandon told him that he would let him listen to the soundtrack. That brought a big smile to his face. That was good enough for him. Oh man, I love that boy.


andrea said...

Hey anytime you come to Brigjham give me a call that sounds like fun.